Our goal at Dzukou is to minimize the use of single-use plastics in workplaces as well as at home. Our product collection offers a wide range of products using different kind of eco-friendly materials.

As an organization, we share the believe of social responsibility in order to create and promote awareness about the heating topic of plastic pollution. Plastic pollution causes adverse negative impact on the habitat of wildlife and in the human environment. With our collaboration with the Akshar Foundation we support the spread of knowledge and awareness on the growing problem of plastic pollution.

Akshar Foundation is a 100-student model school in Assam in India which provides a ground for innovative teaching methods. The foundation not only promotes education, disallowing child labor but also offers a scalable environmental remediation. Here every student pays their school fees with plastics that they voluntarily collect from their homes. The campus also has a recycling center for plastics. The students volunteer part time in this campus recycling center to process non-recyclable, dry, plastic packaging into eco bricks. About 20 to 40 packets that are, otherwise, dumped or burned are squeezed into a single plastic bottle which form a strong solid structure which can be used for simple construction projects.

Akshar has child centric teaching methodology that helps to eradicate child labor and also promote the quality of education for these children. They use a method called meta teaching. Meta teaching is a system which is made to ensure that all the children receive individual support and the encouragement that they require in order to learn effectively. Older and senior students are taught how to teach younger students and help out as teaching assistants.

It is important to remember that in a country like India many children lack the parental support that one needs in order to succeed in school. At home they often do not receive the support from their parents to proceed an education, often parents expect their children to take up work and help provide in a daily living. Akshar ensures that every young child gets daily private mentoring from an older student under the guidance of an adult teacher spending one-on-one time. This motivates and facilitates curiosity for the children to learn more as they can relate to someone who is a few years old then them.

We all know that there is a great deal of pressure on teens to drop out of school so that they can start earning. The majority of the families have multiple children and minimum earning because of which pursuing education is difficult. Akshar rewards their students to voluntarily participate in learning and help their families. In this way the families are very happy to send the students to school. Students receive rewards based on their academic level and their teaching skill. They are incentivized to learn more so that they can get more rewards. The teaching skill of the students are measured on the basis of self-evaluation. They self-evaluate themselves on how they can improve their critical thinking, communication, empathy, patience and ability to motivate.

The curriculum followed, balances practical skills with abstract learning. Students gain skill which helps them to get placed in colleges and high skilled trade jobs. This way Akshar contributes to minimizing and eradicate child Labor.

Akshar and Dzukou aim to provide the world with a better experience by reducing and recycling plastic usage for a sustainable future. Both the organizations support conservation of the environment and sustainable development. For a better environment just using eco-friendly materials is not enough, spreading awareness and the recycling of already existing plastics is equally important.